Are You Ready to Awaken to New Possibilities?

Terri Lynn's inspirational story shows her fight to be happy in the midst of a living hell. Her two young sons moved away with their father. Devastated, without a will to live, Terri Lynn surrenders her life to God for the strength to carry on.

Her story demonstrates that when God steps in, magic and miracles follow. Living on welfare amid shattered dreams, she had to choose happiness or die in sadness. After a few years, she awakened to new possibilities and set a goal.

Once her goal was set, divine guidance took over and directed her, much like a navigation system. Before long, she was living a luxurious life with her sons, and her happiness level went over the top. Her gratitude to God for delivering her from her past pain to such happiness and success put her on a spiritual path, a journey within.

"True miracles do happen. Many times we just don’t wait long enough for them to appear."

—Terri Lynn

What does happiness mean to you?

Are you content with your life?

Do you feel that you are where you should be?

The very fact that you are reading these words indicates that there must be a message in this book that you are meant to discover. That is how my life has always worked. There’s a universal connection that binds all things, a spiritual guidance that provides us the answers we seek.

When God Steps In, Magic and Miracles Follow

Are you waiting for a miracle? Waiting for something outside yourself to change you? This is your life, and it’s a wonderful gift.

Please, make the time for your own self-discovery. In this book, you will find all the answers you need and may even uncover your own miracle.

I can't fully express how much this book truly helped me. It's easy to relate the concepts to your own life, to get the most out of the meanings. Not to mention it's an inspiring story that stands with novels such as the A New Earth, and The Power Of Now. Overall a well put together easy read, that is perfect for a pick me up in life to keep you on a happy path!

—Alyssa Dubois

I have known Terri since we were kids. I love and adore her. The book is a spiritual road map for living a happy life.”

—Lyn Foster

Terri's story, wonderfully written, has taught me that everything starts with the decision to be happy. In surrendering my life to God, I stopped railing against life and everything that happened to me. I began to live positively instead of living like a victim. My whole family has gained from Terri's remarkable story. We have all made a decision to be happy, set goals to achieve and are living healthy and happy lives as a result.

I recommend this book to anyone who is seeking to change their life for the better. Be Happy!”

—Rich Lawlor

"The fast track to any goal is to start being happy now, without excuses. Happiness will take you to your goal faster."

Best-Selling Author

Loved this book. Learned so many new things and also was reminded of some old things. This book showed up right on time. The universe has perfect timing. If you're reading this review and considering buying this book, allow me to say that it's your time to experience this wisdom. If you weren't ready for this, you wouldn't have 'found' this.”

—David B.

I thought it was uplifting and inspirational. I would recommend it to anyone who is going through a difficult time.”

—Eileen Richards

I bought this book this morning and could NOT put it down! It’s an inspiring, thoughtful and well written page turner!”

—Kelsey P.

About the Author

Terri Lynn

Terri Lynn is an expert at choosing happiness. Her painful past forced her to die in the sadness or focus on the positive and survive.

After many years the sadness in her life passed and her positivity soared. Terri Lynn’s experience as a Sales Manager earned her the nickname Fortune Cookie due to her enthusiastic nature and optimistic attitude.

She now hopes to show others the benefit of putting happiness first.

When happiness is first all else in life is enhanced. LIVE HAPPY!

More Reviews

A MUST READ...for the last year I have been unemployed, happy that it gave me the chance to be with my new granddaughter, but I always knew I needed to go back to work. Being 52, never having written a resume and fearing rejection, all keeps me in my comfort zone. Here is where some divine navigation comes into my life. Driving one day I see a dealership being renovated in my area, I start thinking it would be a nice place to work, but I have NEVER sold cars...what am I thinking. But, I find myself applying for a sales position. I don't hear anything, so I write that resume, take it there, am introduced to the Gen. Sales Mngr. and shock myself by telling him that I... WILL BE...working for him. I go online the next day and start reading their employee profiles, where I discover Terri Lynn's and her new book. I purchase it and start reading. I remember thinking, regardless if I get this job or not, the true reason I took this path was to discover this book. For Terri's words have changed my life!!!

You see I did get the job, which is an amazing blessing in itself. However, I have also been blessed because, I am being trained for this job by the happiest, most positive and giving teacher... Terri Lynn. Thank you Terri Lynn for sharing your story with the world. You have opened my mind & soul to a new way of living and I will forever be grateful <3”

—Jane Miller

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The opinions in this book are those of the author. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified health care specialist before adopting or implementing any of the strategies discussed for a health condition.